Wednesday, September 23, 2009

In search of Mjǫllnir

Recently being reminded that my favorite Marvel character, the "Merc with the Mouth", Deadpool once became Thor and donned the iconic character's garb (as well as the slightly retarded olde english demeanor), I made it my sole purpose of the evening to seek out a replica of Thor's hammer.

On my quest to find a suitable candidate I stumbled across this bad boy. Sweet Zombie Jesus this thing was beastly, but looked retarded as hell. I mean where's the inscription on the side? Honestly this is the lamest Thor replica hammer I have ever seen. Like wtf this baby is more likely to lop heads than strike fear into the evil-doers of the Marvel Universe. It's also 42 inches, what the hell am I going to do with that? It'd be like carrying a freaking midget around. It's apparently based off the Marvel Ultimates, the lame-ass reboot of Marvel characters (of which I do own ultimate spiderman #1 :/). The price tag is also 500 big fat ones. Fuck that shit David Blaine.

Now this fucker is THE Mjǫllnir!!! Has the inscription on the side, classic Thor. 18 inches, much more resonable to pulverize thugs with than that lameass 42 inches, but it's a whopping 18.5 pounds of solid metal. One hit from this baby, Thor or not, and your ass is grass. This is what i'm talking about, a real man's hammer.


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