Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fucking Seth Mcfarlane

It has recently come to my attention that Seth Mcfarlane has another animated series. Now I know that this knowledge has been out for quite sometime, but after having watched it, I say, what the fuck Seth Mcfarlane? Number one: you already have two ongoing animated series, one of which is constantly being referenced and quoted in day to day life. Number two: they are both not really that funny. Some people might say "oh, what the hell are you talking about? Family is fucking hilarious." No, not really. It is a moderately humorous show, whose jokes do not derive from, or pertain to the plot and events that occur at the time of their delivery. The show has been more or less reduced to a twenty-two minute compilation of random flashbacks and cut-scenes of situations that have no bearing on anything mixed with a few small elements of plot-line. Now, this is where you say, "but it's the randomness that so hilarious." I would agree that to some extent there is humour in the randomness, but for the most part it is just completely ridiculous and not really funny at all. That being said, I was a fan of the show in its earlier years. I found that there was the right amount of randomness mixed with an okay amount of plot-driven jokes, and lots of references to pop culture (something tha i enjoy very much), but over the past couple of years it has evolved into the lifeless unimaginative show i described earlier. I also have a theory that Seth Mcfarlane is doing this on purpose, to see how pointless he can make the show and see if people will still find it laugh out loud hilarious, because he knows that if the media portrays his show as funny, and since he already developed a strong fan base, people will still think he s a comic genius, and if I were in the position, I would probably do the same, just to see how succeptable people were to media suggestion.

I think most people would also agree that Family Guy is also a lot funnier than American Dad, this is something that i would also disagree with. I prefer American Dad to Family Guy because its jokes derive and pertain almost directly to the plot lines, and is not completely random.

Bringing me back to the the thing that spurred this rant, The Cleveland Show. I didn't actually watch the entire show, because 1: I did not find it funny in anyway
and 2: just thought that it plain unecessary. even if you do have a highly successful series, there is no need for more than two. Look at the other highly popular animated comedies. Matt Groening has The Simpsons, which is also widely viewed as a hilarious show, and as harboured great success with this show. He also made Futurama, which in my opinion was better than The Simpsons, but its ratings did not fair as well and fox cancelled the show. Then there is Trey Parker and Matt Stone's South Park, another very funny show that draws its comedy from daily societal situations and events. This is their only television show that I know of and they do not need another one. All of the three shows I have mentioned are in my opinion substantially more entertaining than the funniest of Seth Mcfarlane's , which begs the question, why make another that is not in any way funnier than the two previous shows. Now, I'm not saying that they're completely horrible shows and nobody should watch them (though it most likely came out that way), but I just don't think that they're as funny as people make them out to be, so stop acting like it and let Mcfarlane know that The Cleveland Show was completely and utterly unnecessary.


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