Thursday, November 11, 2010

New Batman Movie Title Revealed!

In an exclusive interview with the L.A. Times' Hero Complex, Christopher Nolan discussed rumors regarding the third installment of his reboot of the Batman series. Nolan revealed the title of the film to be "The Dark Knight Rises", and shot down increasing rumors of Johnny Depp playing the riddler, stating that they have eliminated that character from the script.

In addition to quenching rumors of the Riddler as a potential villain, Nolan also stated that he is ignoring the current craze in 3d movies and continuing to film using high definition imax technology.

We can only hope that Nolan goes with a more humanistic approach and reworks a current villain as he has done with previous installments, or plays a more gritty look and continues with the political enemy theme. Personally a more in depth look at gang violence and organized crime would be awesome and Rupert Thorne would be a great pick as a villain.

Green Lantern Trailer Set to Premiere with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

So folks, for an extra incentive to see the first installment of the long awaited Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Warner Bros. and DC has released a statement stating that the preview for the anticipated Green Lantern movie featuring Ryan Reynolds will be attached to the film. Although Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is to be released in 2d, Green Lantern is set for a 3d release (don't ask me why, Warner Bros. you fucked up big on this one, if you make batman 3d I will burn down your studio).

For more info check out:

Friday, November 5, 2010

Back From the Dead!

After a ridiculously long time with no posts, I thought I'd breathe life into this blog once more. This time however, I'll be focusing less on random things found on the internet. Every week I am going to attempt to bring you all info on currently unreleased movies of epic proportion, for example, this I bring you Marvel Comics' Thor, Norse god of thunder, storms, and all around badassery.

Thor is a tale based on the Marvel Comics character. Banished from the magical realm of Asgard by his all-powerful father Odin (Anthony Hopkins), Thor (Chris Hemsworth) is sent to live in Midgard, or what we mortals have come to know as Earth. He is found by Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), who in the comics is Thor's human love interest, and I expect the role will be no different in the movie. Eventually is would seem Thor's brother Loki, god of mischief (Tom Hiddleston) decides to cause some havoc upon the realm of Midgard. So as not to try to ruin anything I will leave it at that, though it very much appears to be your normal super-hero plot-line, just this time with some olde-english demeanor thrown in there. One Anthony Hopkins described it as "... a superhero movie, but with a bit of Shakespeare thrown in." There is also some added plot development involving S.H.I.EL.D., as this is of course another movie that is setting up for the upcoming Avengers movie (the others being The Hulk, the Iron Man series, and the upcoming Captain America: The first Avenger).

To be completely honest, I don't think this will be a very well received movie outside of the comic book readers' audience. Why, you might ask? Well, whenever you delve into a character such as Thor whose base, plots, and enemies revolve heavily around magic, it is generally harder to appeal to the more mature audience. On another note, the pure thrill of seeing some guy hit people with a giant hammer that shoots lightning will surely not disappoint, so we can all look forward to that. As well he is a pivotal character of The Avengers, as well as a founding member, so to omit him in the upcoming film would have been a great atrocity.

Anywho, I'll let you formulate your own opinion with a little sneak peak of some footage I found while scouring the internet. Thor is slated for theatrical release in May, 2011, so enjoy, and be sure to check in next week where I will give some new info on the next untitled Batman film (of which I know the title, by the way). So tune in next week, same bat-time, same bat-channel (website, whatever).


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Don't bother asking how I found this.


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Origins of Christmas, Part 1

With December approaching fast, and everyone’s favourite holidays on their minds, I thought I would do a little research into where this holiday actually originated. Though many would say, well you’re a dumb fuck, errybody knows Christmas is the celebration of Jesus’ birthday. Though in time you will see this is true in a sense, I obviously wouldn’t be writing this if I had not discovered otherwise. The birth of Jesus Christ was actually the first research I had actually gone into in depth.

I would first off like to state that this is not an attempt to dispute the existence of Jesus, or any type of god, or disprove the concept of religion. Those who have known me for a while will know that was a hobby of mine, but I am past that stage now. This article is about the the origins of a holiday, nothing else.

Anywho, as pointed out earlier, the first part of this discussion is about the birthdate of Christ. I thought this an appropriate starting point since this is widely believed to be the true origin of the holiday. Of course we all know that Jesus was supposèd to have been born on December 25th, 1 AD. Of course, that date has since been disputed, and many know believe it to be somewhere around the date of 5 B.C., but the year is not exactly pertinent to this discussion. Now, the first clue as to why many scholars (including Christian scholars) believe the 25th of December to not in fact be the date of Christ’s birth is due to the fact that it is not stated in the bible anywhere that Jesus was born on the 25th of December. In fact, there is no exact date referenced at all in the bible as to his date of birth. Though this was not the only clue. Take for example the three wisemen that travelled to Jesus upon his birth bearing gifts (which is the general thought of why we give gifts to each other on Christmas). Note that Jesus was born in Israel, which as we know is a country in the middle east. Be that as it may, it was still a country that suffered the hardships of winter. Though winter may not have been as extreme as we feel it, temperatures would still drop as low as 0oC. Once again, that may not seem like much, but to a people that experience a tropical climate during the summer, that drop is fairly intense. Also note that the tale goes that they were following the north star, meaning it was winter time, making temperatures even cooler. They would as well not have the same types of warm clothing that we cover ourselves with today, therefore increasing the negative effects of the cold. This revelation could have meant one of two things. Either Jesus was not born in December, or the kings travelled much later after the birth of Christ than we have been led to believe. Also, shepherds were seen in the fields watching over their flocks at night. This was not done during winter time as the flocks were not left outside during winter.

Now of course, this brings the question of when exactly was Jesus born? Well, sources in the bible hint that John the Baptist was conceived while his father Zechariah was serving in the course of Abijah, which was believed to be in early June. This would place John’s birth 9 months later in the month of March. We also know that he was six months older than Christ, so that would place Jesus’ birth around the month of September. Some people (normally a little more paranoid than others) have placed his birth on the date of September 11th.

So, based on the information displayed here, it is quite likely that the birth of Jesus Christ was not in December, but likely in the fall months. This would also show that the birth of Jesus was not exactly where the first celebrations of Christmas originate from*.

*But it still plays a factor, pay attention to further posts to discover what I mean.


Monday, November 16, 2009

The Most Epic Artwork Known to Mankind

Yes, yes it is Boba Fett fighting Deadpool. Epic.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


So at the peer pressure jeers of three girls and a body piercer I randomly got a lip ring today. It didn't really hurt that much, just a slight pinch but that was it. Basically I'm putting the pic up to solidify my manliness and superiority over Jared because he's too much of a pussy to let needles near him . "Oh look my name is Jared, I'm a big pussy, oh no I can't get my hep b shot I'm scared of needles"


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Some Buttery Ass Stashportation tips

Damn son, gotta get me some 23 fluid ounces of storage space.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Inappropriate? More like bang on.

Step aside John Williams, your position has been usurped by Stan Bush. Throw in some Fight to Survive and Never Surrender and you have the ultimate soundtrack. Now if you'll excuse I have to go watch Transformer the animated movie.