Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Philosophy with Jared

So basically I was bored and just started thinking about things and came up with this little blurb. Its really more just a random thought that I organized into writing, but then again, isn't that what philosophy is all about? Anywho, this is what I ended up with.

Why Laws are Dumb

I would like to start off by stating what a law is. A law is a rule or injunction defined by the major governing body or authority in a community, establishment, country etc. that must be obeyed. Each law defined by said figure of authority or body is defined on a basis of what is morally right or wrong according to those that are defining the law.
Now morality is something that we perceive in life to be right or wrong, or acceptable or unacceptable. The thing is that morality differs from person to person, and what may be right to some maybe be completely appalling to others (current example being topics such as abortion or stem cell research). Now though there may be certain things that the general public may agree on morally, there is not always a 100% chance that everyone feels the same way. Unfathomable as it may seem, some people might be convinced that is morally okay to commit acts of murder. As we know, the general public view murder as a morally unacceptable action. This of course is a very extreme example, but it will serve the purpose nonetheless.
Now we come back to the law portion of this little blurb. As I stated earlier, laws are defined by what is morally acceptable or unacceptable and apply to a large group or population. But as we know, morals are defined on an individual basis. If this is true, then if someone were to, say, use an illegal substance such as recreational drugs and saw nothing wrong with it, he could potentially be charged or arrested for such an act. It is in is belief that there is nothing wrong in what he's doing, and being punished for doing so. Therefore he is being punished based on his individual beliefs, which falls under the category of discrimination, which is also against the law, and the ones persecuting the offender should also be charged. But of course they are under the impression that they are morally right, and to prosecute them for discrimination would also be discrimination, and so it becomes a never ending circle of discrimination.

If you have any problems with what I have written and would like to debate this with me, you can go piss yourself and lick your dog's nuts. I don't debate, as that would insinuate that I am trying to prove something right. I am not. I am merely expressing an opinion of mine out of sheer boredom and lack of interesting things to do at the time. If you would like to discuss the topic, feel free to comment or email or facebook, hell, write a fucking letter I don't give a shit (though if you do I may not respond due to the fact that that's just dumb. But I will take your views into consideration, then openly make fun of you on this blog in my next post). Well, now I've wasted another 5 minutes of your life, enjoy!

(and yes, I understand the lameness of the comic strip, but I don't really care)


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